Saturday, July 26, 2008

Happy 1st Anniversary Becsfarm

One year ago this blog came to be when a friend quipped "start a food blog." Blogging has been a wonderful writing, learning, thinking, creating and dreaming experience for me. It's been fun and empowering, even challenging at times. I've enjoyed sharing with you. As I look back on the last year I see this blog is really a journal of where I've been and where I am at in the present moment. I am eternally grateful for the new friends I've made along the way, my longtime friends and family, all the wonderful foods available to me, the well equipped kitchens I get to cook in, the beautiful neighborhood I live and play in and most certainly, my good health, energy, passion and enthusiasm. I feel blessed. Thank you friends, family, God, the Universe and Cyberville.



Unknown said...


you are fantastic!!!

a kiss for you, my dear friend!

god bless u dear

can we exchange our link

r u ready to do?


você é fantástico!

um beijo para você, meu caro amigo!

Deus te abençoe u Caro

podemos trocar os nossos link

r u disposta a fazer?

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary and Brava! I'm glad you have gotten so much out of blogggin like I have. Keep it up.