Sunday, October 23, 2011

Roasted red peppers.......and sauce too.

Many folks purchase roasted red peppers in a jar.  I like to roast red peppers myself because they taste so wonderful when they are freshly roasted.    I roast several red peppers at once, that way not only can I enjoy the peppers as a side dish (or add to a plated dinner for pretty color), I can also make a roasted red pepper sauce with the extra peppers.  Here's my recipe for roasted red pepper sauce.   This sauce is thick and slightly chunky.  It's really good on grilled meats.

Pre-heat oven to 375. Wash and dry two large organic red bell peppers.  Cut them in half lengthwise, remove seeds and stems.  Line a large baking sheet with tin foil and spray it generously with olive oil spray.  Place the peppers, cut side down on the baking sheet.  Spray the peppers lightly on the tops.

Then place on middle rack in oven for 1/2 hour.  Check the peppers to see if they have begun to turn dark brown on the tops.  If after 1/2 hr they aren't brown, roast them for another 5-10 minutes until they turn dark brown on the tops.  When that happens, they are ready.  The photo below is how they should look.

Remove from oven and allow to cool for about 15 minutes.  Then slip as much of the skin off as possible.  Discard the skins.

Next, place one garlic clove in food processor and process to a fine mince.  Add  the red peppers, 1/4 teaspoon Italian seasoning, a little salt and pepper and approximately 1/3 cup of your best Extra Virgin Olive Oil.  Process well until smooth or chunky. Add more EVOO for a smoother sauce.   Taste and adjust seasoning.  Enjoy warm as a topping on grilled meats or cold as a dipping sauce.

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